Today I want to talk about the acquisition of another piece of the One9 build. At the race, Good Guy Greg (of the B-43 cast of characters) proved just how true the monicker is. Riding a rigid Niner singlespeed (of the Air9 variety) I've chatted with Greg about my own build. Along the way to setting up his rig Greg happened upon two sets of spacers through an order debacle. At yesterdays race Greg handed me a set of spacers.

So, I got this from Good Guy Greg, all from the goodness of his heart. Heck, he didn't even know I needed one. He just brought it to the race and offered it up if I hadn't already gotten one!! That's mountain bikers for you - generally* good people.
Big THANKS to Good Guy Greg - I owe you one... or 6/12 really good cold ones.
*Dicky doesn't whole heartedly "approve" things... and didn't give this product any sort of seal to that effect (that I am aware of).
*Generally, somewhere in the realm of 90/10 good/dick ratio. But I'll have an example of the 10 in my race recap tomorrow (if I remember to include it).
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