Tuesday, February 28, 2012


My inability to keep track of the days of the week continued into this past weekend... but it was a good thing.  My "vacation week" was completely disjointed with home improvement work and travel to Charlotte.  We got down to Charlotte Thursday evening, which caused me to be a day off the whole time we were down there - which translated into "an extra day" on vacation (in my mind at least) so that was sweet!!

Didn't get to do any riding while we were down in Charlotte... but if you looked at my legs you'd think otherwise.  My Dild' Grill teammate, Sean, and I did some recon in the woods behind his new house to plot some future trails.  There were some sweet tight areas chock full of thorns... fun times!!  After about an hour of bushwhacking we stumbled upon some ATV trails in great shape.  So Sean has some local trails to explore and build off of.... pretty sweet deal!

Yesterday I was dragging, first day back is always a whirlwind.  I had planned on getting to the gym, but by the time I got home I was done.  I'm hoping today I'll find the energy to get to the gym (or jump on the trainer).

I can't believe it's about to be March - the season of trail closures... yuck!  And closing in on the race season... WOW!  It's been very strange with no winter... very bizarre!

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