Wednesday, July 9, 2014

big gears

When I made plans to ride on Friday I had no idea that it would be the 4th of July.  Here I was thinking that Sean and I would have the trails to ourselves out at Lake Norman.  It wasn't the case of course.  The parking lot was bustling, and it is true I saw more riders on the trail that I normally do - but they were by no means crowded.

Both Sean and I haven't been hitting the bike too hard lately, so we were out for a fun ride and not a hammerfest.  And man were the trails fun.  I was actually worried that things would be closed with the downpour the night before, but the rain left the trails in perfect conditions (save for a few damp spots).  Hitting the trails at a solid talking pace was pretty enjoyable.  But, my gearing started to wear on me.

I left the 18 on the Glow Worm because I usually ride that out there and it's good.  Sure some of the climbs can be a bit tough on it, but last time out I cleared everything.  This time... not so much.  I had thought about switching to a 20 since my ride time has been low that past month, but laziness allowed me to suffer with the 18.  I will admit that I had to hike two short sections where the pitch was steep and the tread was loose.  My legs were feeling it and my brain wasn't in it, which allowed me to give up before really pushing it.  Whatever, it was a fun ride.

I still managed 2 PRs out of the ride, so I suppose that is good.  That, my friends, is the point (in my opinion) of Strava - challenging yourself.  Seeing how you (hopefully) progress and grow stronger.  Beating your own performance and pushing yourself to climb the rankings.  Looking at ride data is pretty neat and can make you just want to get back out there.  So, for all the smack people talk about strava - I like it!

Special Announcement

I will be taking a break from the blog for a bit.  Just a heads up.  I will be back, just not certain as to an exact timeline on that.  Didn't want you to be caught off guard by the sudden disappearance; wouldn't want you to worry that I got hit by a car or something.  

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